Integrated Access to Knowledge and Open Data of the St. Lawrence

SLGO works towards painting a multidisciplinary portrait of the
St. Lawrence, thanks to its rich network of partners.
The St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) is an open-access web platform, making available to all data, information and knowledge necessary to understand and effectively manage the ecosystem of the St. Lawrence, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. SLGO support its members, from data management to their dissemination in specialized visualisation tools.
Want to contribute to SLGO? Click here to learn more
Specialized data tools
The presence, abundance and distribution of living species found in the in the River, Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Data Catalogue
An integrated access to multidisciplinary data on the St. Lawrence global system and Canadian waters.
Marine Conditions
This Web application allows the visualization and access to multiple physico-chemical data.
Real-time data to navigate the River and Gulf of the St. Lawrence, including currents and tides.
Constitutes a citizen science tool facilitating the capture of capelin spawning observations.
Viking Buoys
Near-real time access to the detection of right whales by the hydrophones of the Viking buoys of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Latest News
Nouveau président à l’OGSL (Only french)
L’OGSL annonce la nomination de Monsieur Alain Arseneault à titre de président de son conseil…
SLGO receives 1.4M$ to launch CIOOS (Only french)
L’Observatoire global du Saint-Laurent (OGSL), reconnu pour son expertise, a été retenu…
Five Comités ZIP contribute to the... [French only]
Cinq Comités ZIP enrichissent le Catalogue de données ouvertes de l’Observatoire global…