Atlas of Bank Restoration Sites of the St. Lawrence River - Partners
The following organizations contributed financially to the production of this Atlas:
The following persons contributed to the production of the Atlas:
Environment and Climate Change Canada:
Denis Lehoux, Diane Dauphin, Stéphane Cantin, Céline Maurice, Jean-Pierre Savard, Michel Melançon, Yvon Mercier, Françoise Lapointe, Paul Milot, Maryse Vaillancourt, Alain Armellin, Caroline Savage, Martin Jean, François Dumouchel, Michèle Létienne-Prévost, Sophie Lalonde and Patricia Potvin
Fisheries and Oceans Canada:
Line Choinière, François Villeneuve, Nicole Bouchard, Nathalie St-Hilaire, Guy-Anne Castonguay and Pedro Nilo
Transport Canada:
Élaine Bolduc
Public Works and Government Services Canada:
Yves Lavergne, Sylvie Asselin, Anne-Marie Gaudet, Alain Drouin and Elisabeth Marceau
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec:
Claude Soucy
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec:
Martin Léveillé, Nathalie Vachon and Pierre Dumont
Danielle Messier and Jean-François Rougerie
Ville de Montréal:
Claude Thiffault
Ducks Unlimited:
André Michaud, Sylvain Gaudreau, Patrick Harbour and Jacques Dextraze
Attention FragÎles:
Carole Leblanc and Alain Richard
Écogénie inc.:
Ghislain Verreault, Benoît Houde, François Lambert and Gaétan Couture
Mylène d’Aoust
Claude Lemieux, Mélissa Sanikopoulos, Stéphane Saint-Pierre, Claire Lemieux and Yannick Lafleur
Stéphane Clermont
Other collaborators:
Jacqueline Grekin and Carolyn Perkes