Atlas of Bank Restoration Sites of the St. Lawrence River - Context
The Atlas of Bank Restoration Sites of the St. Lawrence River presents a survey of habitats disrupted by the anthropogenic activities carried out in decades past, particularly in-filling, draining, diking and deforestation, and for which restoration work would be possible. This interactive tool, which is available in electronic format only, is highly useful for promoters, government officials, municipalities, conservation agencies and consultants alike. Waterfront property owners seeking to get involved in restoring disturbed wildlife habitats will also find valuable information. The St. Lawrence 2011-2026 Action Plan makes this atlas available in collaboration with the St. Lawrence Global Observatory.
Environment and Climate Change Canada took four years to complete the Atlas, it is the product of more than 30 contributing scientific experts. Its dedicated Web site includes over 3000 pages of text, 1500 photos and 200 sketches. It includes indexed entries of close to 450 sites totaling some 700 ha along the fluvial section, estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence and some tributary rivers as well as areas bordering the Gaspé Peninsula. The Atlas presents a wealth of information in the form of descriptive fact sheets, including location map, photographs and restoration sketches. It is a tool par excellence for doing research on target sites for restoration along the St. Lawrence.