Category: Marine Fish – Species
Order Gadiformes • Family Gadidae • Genus Gaidropsarus
Gaidropsarus ensis
Threebeard rockling
Mustèle arctique à trois barbillons
TSN Code
Specific to the species
- 3 barbels: 2 above nostrils, 1 below chin
- Fins of uniform, light colour (without dark margins)
- G. argentatus: first dorsal ray is shorter than the head
- G. ensis: first dorsal ray is longer than the head
- The «observations» below include both G. argentatus and G. ensis as the two species were not processed separately during surveys
- Total catch in number: 20
- Total catch in weight (kg): < 1
- Mean length of sampled individuals (mm): 55
- Occurrence, 1-100 m depth (no of stations) : 0
- Occurrence, 101-200 m depth (no of stations): 3
- Occurrence, 201-300 m depth (no of stations): 5
- Occurrence, >300 m depth (no of stations): 13
This species is part of the following group(s):